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Application No. 09/830,669 

Reply to Office Action of January 31, 2006 


Claims 86-104 and 106-1 18 remain pending. Favorable reconsideration is 
respectfully requested. 

The objections to Claim 106 and Claims 1 16-1 18 are believed to be obviated by the 
amendment submitted above. 

Claim 106 has been amended to delete the reference to strain 1-2025. 

Claim 116 has been amended to recite "one of the unconventional amino acids present 
in the culture medium of step (b) is represented by an amino acid of formula I having L 

Step a) of Claim 108 is a selection process according to Claim 86 by which cells are 
selected for their ability to incorporate an unconventional amino acid, which restores the 
functionality of a protein essential to growth. The unconventional amino corresponds to the 
amino acid which is initially encoded by the target condon. The resulting cells are mutated in 
the protein translation machinery (ex: ARNt-synthetase genes, see also page 7, paragraph 1), 
more particularly in their editing domain. 

In step b), the cells selected in step a) are further cultivated with unconventional 
amino acids, in order to produce proteins comprising one of these unconventional amino 

In the sense of the present invention, an unconventional amino acid is an amino acid 
other than the amino acid, which should be normally incorporated at a given site with regard 
to the translated nucleic acid sequence. See page 2, lines 31 to 39 of the present 

It is not mentioned that the unconventional amino acids used in steps a) and b) are 
necessarily the same. On the contrary, it is recited on page 10, lines 11 to 21 that the 
unconventional amino acids may have specific additional properties. In example 6, for 


Application No. 09/830,669 

Reply to Office Action of January 3 1 , 2006 

instance, the mutated cells missincorporating Valine in place of Cystein (obtained according 
to the process of Claim 86 - Example 3) are cultivated in a culture medium containing the 
non canonical amino acids L-aminobutyrate. 

In fact, the unconventional amino acids used in Claims 1 1 6 to 1 1 8 are those referred 
to in step b) of Claim 108, and not the one encoded by the target condon in step a). 

In order to make this point clear, it has been specified in Claims 108 and 116 that the 
unconventional amino, acid carried out in Claims 108 and 1 16, is actually the one present in 
the culture medium of step b). 

In view of the foregoing, withdrawal of the objections is respectfully requested. 
The rejection of Claims 86-1 18 under 35 U.S.C. §112, first paragraph, is believed to 
be obviated by the amendment submitted above. Claim 86 has been amended to specify a 
bacterial or yeast cell, which the Examiner has indicated as allowable (see page 3 of the 
Official Action dated January 31, 2006). Accordingly, withdrawal of this ground of rejection 
is respectfully requested. 

The rejection of Claims 103-105 and 107 under 35 U.S.C. §112, first paragraph, is 
believed to be obviated by the amendment submitted above. 

Concerning the matter of the reproducibility of the invention to any aminoacyl-tRNA 
sj/nthetase, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase genes are well known in the art, especially among 
bacterial and yeast species. Thus, it would not be an undue burden for one skilled in the art 
to adapt the teaching provided in the specification conceming valyl-tRNA synthetase (ValS) 
to other aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase genes. 

Furthermore, as reported in the enclosed review of Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase 
(Delarue, M., 1995, Current Opinion in Structural Biology^ 5:48-55), it is also well known 
that, despite the different topologies found in Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase, their active sites 
(editing domain) and mechanisms of action are similar (see in particular the abstract), 


Application No. 09/830,669 

Reply to Office Action of January 31, 2006 

In view of the foregoing, withdrawal of this ground of rejection is respectfully 

Applicants submit that the present application is in condition for allowance. Early 
notice to this effect is earnestly solicited. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Norman F. Obion 

^ , u James J/ KeVlv/ Ph.D. 

Customer Number Inr^ . 

Attome> ©f Record 

22850 Registratfon No. 41,504 

Tel: (703)413-3000 
Fax: (703)413 -2220 

(OSMMN 06/04) 


2G/04 200G 14:08 FAX +33142675629 SANTARELLI 0014/021 

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases 

Marc Delarue 

Institut Pasteur, Paris, France 

Detailed mechanisms for «Bch step of the taction caia!yr«i by both ebss 
' f ""'ifL" 'T!'^^^^ «yniheu«B have been proposed on the basis 
P rfy«alk>gjiiph.c dab. of amlnoacyl-tRNA synthetases in complex with th«ir 
dmerent substrates. D«plte the very dlffetent topolpgles oF rii tvvo cfasscs, 
there are Sinking artd unanddpated chemical srmilaHties between their acUvg 
sites and proposed rrwschaniBma. 

Current Opinion in Structural Biology 1995^ 5748-55 



The unmoacyUcRNA syntheca^ea <aaRSs) azc a fiimUy of 
enzymes fi^z emure the proper attachment of an axnino ' 
acid to is cogruce iKNaJ ^eracixie the pool of charged 
cRNAs chat aire cs&cncial Got mRNA caiukcion inco pro- 
ceina. AaRSi catalyse cfae charging of tRNAs in a two- 
Atcp rcacdofi. lirsc, ATP reacts iwidi the amino dcid co 
foriDi sn anunoacyl^adcziylate <and dlphoaphate). Second, 
d^e activated amino acid is transfemd to the tRI^^A to 
form die aniinoacyl-tRNA and AMP, Until 1989, only 
three strucnucs of aaRSi were Imown ^^rjVrRS Tl^l^ 
ccMetRS (3}. and the «cGlnRS-cRNAGln complex (41, 
where bs and cc in supcrvcript stand fbr BacHlus tf^h- 
tilii and Euhcfickia colh lespccdvely). They aU shaEc a 
soruccuial dootain called the Rossmann fold. oHglnally 
observed in dehydvogenaia, which we now know to 
be a characteriAtic of die so-called class I aaRS &mily, 
which COnuins tO members [5*], A m^jor bxeakthxou^ 
in our underscanding of aaRSs came fiom the structuzal 
fierexminadan of SetRS [6] and AspR5 [7]; both of these 
enzymes lack the Rosmann fold and represent; a second 
type of aaPUSs (class II) » Simultaneously, lequence analysia 
showed that all known aaRSs can be auigned Co one or 
the other of these two dajscs ([8]; Table 1). 

Much pEOgress has been made in die post year on 
Structuzal and functional studies of adRSs. The new 
structures of class 1 aaRSs include GlnRS'-cRNAChi 
in comt^ex with ATP and Mg?"^ [9^] and 
pRS in complex with crypcophanyl-adenylate [lO-"], 
New class tl sctuceures include: Thirmus thrrm^phHus 
SerRS (oSerRS) alone as a complex with 

two analogues of the seryl-adenylate 112-] or with 
tRNASr [13-1; «AspRS-tRNAA*p bound to ATP and 
Mg2-i- ccAspRS (where the sc in ffupeiscrjpc stands 
for Saccharvfffyus atwisiae) in complex widi an amino 
acylaced iRNA [14**]; «A«pRS alone (15-] or widi 
asparcyl-adcnyktc [16**], "PhcRS [17**], although at a 

pieliminaty su^ of zefinemenc, provides another escam- 
pic of a dais II aaRS stnactun: (Table 1). 

In this revievy; i ijvill fine ficKus on die scructucal 
detaili that have been xecendy observed in di£Eeient 
adcnylace-aaRS Con^lexea (one in each class); it ii 
likely that the enzyiiudc leacdon mechanliois that have 
been proposed [9*»,14-] in thcie systems wlU hold for all 
aaRSs^ 1 will also emphasize the extraotdinary similarity 
of the actiire site of c£2erent enoymes and some a^eccs 
of the amino add binding pockets. The use of diesc data 
to redesign amino acid specificity will be discussed. 

In the second part of the artidfi. I will briefly review 
odier biochemical and biophysical data, which contimies 
to accumulace rapidly^ aflowing interesting comparisons 
with structuial data and helping co fin the gxp between 
systems where structural information is available and sys- 
tem! 'where such infbrmadon does not exist yet. 

Adenylate and related complexes: structuraJ 

Class II hRSs 

The tecent completion of the tefinemcnt of the 
»CAspRS-ciRJ>lAAsp complex in the ptesencc of ATP 
[14**] allowed the visualization of a bent conforma- 
tion for ATP, sbowiog the leaving pyrophosphate group 
pointing away fiom the O-phosphaxc-^ibose line and ata- 
biliacd by at least one MgZ-^ ion. Several crucial toiducs 
were identified, all of which ate scricdy conserved in class 
n aaRSs. Two acidic tcsidues were found to bind a Mg^'*' 
involved in the binding of the P- and T-phosphatca of 
ATP. The counccrpani of these residues arc found in all 
class n oaRSs (Fig. 1). 

Soaking the «AapRS-tRKAAip complex with ATP 
and aqxarcic acid leads diiccdy co fbrmadon of the 

mtnoacyMRNA synthetase. 

<d Current Biology Lid PSSN 0959-44OX 


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U irrvicturt 









[6,11 Mi- 13-1 














ClOMincMlon oT all uRffs on tho bMit «r (he p'W^fK* of iha tv«« 
ftSBfuluni Mqucncc* (High kmsicS; m letur amlna add coda 
uiAd) tor cUm t and th» BBqumta mollfe 1, 2 and 3 cUss ii. On 
(Ke iiAjduni tevtl ihli cofi Mp cndi to the ptMnce of • RoMmann 
fold panHd p-theet (»r cUm I «nd m amipviliel p^heet (br dau D 
Co]. On 1Kb Cunatorul lc%«l, ■mlnourylMlon TnvK/iaWy occuit On The 
rOH of adencMtne 76 of LRNA br cSais i ull5i, M ihe 90H for 
cl*M U mRSi (cKGcpi for PheRS> which amJrkMcyloied on the 2 'OH; 
in CyiRS and TyrHS AminoacylAtlon mfghi ocxur on either 0/ the OH 
iroupftl Iht ^|M(*n*ry •tiuouf* On £, cd/0 ot ell tm»m eniymei li mlta 
ihowfi; tl H generally well conse(v«d BCTOxa s|MCle« («ClyRS, tot>^vyf 
li m dime*), Subireup) coneipOMLrtB to both lequancM alignmenii 

side each d**i and phy»tco>chemlcil propeilies of the amino aad 
have b««n drown. 

aminoacykted cA^A in die cryscal. The anwQ add 
binding sice could be idendficct vAth, a positively 
chai^god rujdue (Az^&3) located 4t ics base nuking 
on ioq pair with the addic group of the iufa&czatc 
Ude chain. A suicdy conserved negACivdy charged 
residue was found co be reapoDsible fiir maintain- 
ing the amino group of the amino add in place 
(Kb. 1). 

lb observe experimcnoUy the aspartyl-adenyktc inter- 
mediate (fixu step of die reaction), it U nece&sary to 
soaJc crystab of the cntymc alone; dm was done with 
"AdpRS [16**]. £bt which d»ti for die atmctuiv of the 
enzyme gJone also exist [15*]. It appcaxt diac die amino 
acid binding pocket is esaendaHy rigid, with the e»>endal 
Aig463 held in place duough a netwoik of electrottadc 
interactions with at least throe odier charged tide chains. 
RcdeftSgn of d)e amino add binding pocket of AspRS 
to make it accept lysine instead of aspartate would of 
course involve the mutadon of Arg483 inco a ne^dv«ly 

charged amino add (as is the cose for LyaftS» as shown 
by sequence alignment). But diii is not enough, as this 
negative chaiige woidd then be in a very un&vourabie 
enviionmenc; in Set, the whole pocket has to be elec- 
Cfostatically redesignad. This discussion is very close in 
spirit to die acgumencs developed mone quandtadvcly by 
Hwang and Warshel [18]. in the more general context 
of procdn engineering. It will be intettscing to see in 
the structure of LysR5 how nacutt solved dtis problem 

The stnicDucs of SciRS in complex with two analogues 
of secylr^adeayUce [12«>J show a ma^ed similatlcy to 
AspRS in the active site; if one svperimpOAei the CU 
carbon coozdinaces of the two enzymes and then ap- 
plies this trarufbrxnaEion to bring die a^arcyl-adenylace 
huo the £ramewoik of SerRS, the cc^phoaphatc lies ac 
exactly the same place as the one seen in the two ana- 
logues of seryl-adenylate (Pig. 2). The adennie ring is 
sUgJxdy shi&ed, but all the intenccions desoibed a^ve 
for AspRS (except those concerning sidc-cfaain lecog- 
nidon) stiS hold £br SerRS: in &ct, die residues dm are 
class II invariant Be at the same position, even chou^ the 
backbone and the rest of the struczcure can vary (Hg. 2). 
There is some discrepancy concerning the location of die 
magnesiuiD-binding ate, but this could be explained by 
the filCC diat different stages of the reaction arc observed 
and/or by the presence of mote than one MgZ-t- 

The fint step in die charging of a tRNA is dxc fornia- 
don of an aminoacyl-adenylatc: a simple mechaninn 
of in-line attack on the ckt-^ phosphodiester bond of 
tbe ATP by the carboxyl gioup of die amino acid 
bas been proposed [14-]. The transfer of this acti- 
vated aminoac)^donyUte spedes to the tRNApzobaUy 
proceeds duou^ an attack by the 3'OH of the xibose 
moeity of adenosine 76 of die cRNA, ftom which the 
proton has been extracted by one of the fine OKygcos of 
die o-phosphate of the adenylate. Such an attack, which 
docs not involve any proton actractor fiom die protein 
itself, is not uncommon in cnzymadc mechanisma: in-» 
deed, a dmilar mechanism hu already been postulated 
for BcoBy. asparute carbamoyl ttansfittasc and, mote 
recendy, the »«21 protein [20]. 

The iRNA-binding mode of SerRS has also been elu- 
ddatcd in die past year [1?~], providing detailed in- 
fbrmation on the structure of the tRNA itself (wliich 
contains an unusual extra loop) and ita intetacdoxu with 
die two very long and flrxiMc helices at die N^-terminal 
end of the protdn. Unforcunately, the acceptor end of 
the tRNA appears to be disordered in the crystal of tbe 
cotnpleac, but .its interaction wida the synthetase is ex- 
pected to be qualitatively riirijh f (but di6[erent in detail) 
to the one observed in the AspRS syvtctn [^21**], as 
vealed by a structural alignment between die Or-caibon 
coordinates of bodi SerRS and AspRS. 

It will be uitcicsting co see if die mechanism pomjlated 
in [14^] can also be applied to PheRS, which amino- 
acylates thm 2*OH of tRNA (an exceptional ^turc for 


2G/0-4 2006 14:06 FAX +33142675628 


SO Pro>tdn^ucl«k tcM immcHara 

i J i 





Aipfts 211 aLDRTroiAHCTRniDt wunwi»*t>u»LBHsrv 

MAGHfisiuM BtNpiNo srra MCmF s 


Fig. 1. AJndfng 0/ amInoAcyl-AcWTylM 
br class II aaftSs. U) Th» inieractton* 
Involvwl In th« binding of the aspifiyl. 
aderty*a» In WAapRS [U-L superlm- 
posad on th« InterMlens Involved (n 
th« bl^^ilng ch« IrhTbltlng ar>dloe of 
the lerirl-adonylate tn «ScrRS (IJ^J.Tbe 
>«aMu«$ InvolH/Ad mm boxed, with ihv 
reridue fmm n^spRS fih^ «ppermo« 
•nd thir Urom MSorRj shown bel^wL 
The nature of rhftir inieraofvi with the 
•minoacyl-od^nylart l5 shown: 0<N) MC 
^ICM9 hydnogen-bonding fo the main 
ch-rn oxygen (rtllfo||«n); w (iupencrlpt) 
Indlcaies ihai Intmalon Is m«diatod hy 
a wttar f7)olecura. ff rnr^licaied, the side 
ch»in of dis amlm^ ackl k mpna/entcd. 
The mimheHng in the two dlffenknc pco- 
iftini ii alto IndlcBiod (iut*crrpi) and cor- 
responds to the alignment given below. 
<b> AllgnownC 0/ Aspft$ >nd 5erR5 m- 
quence*. For simpllclcy, this dlignmem b 
rotrJcrttd to the region of motifa 2 ar»d 3 
ind 10 d nowly tdenilfied conserved re- 
gion, whkrh, at laaM In AspRS, (s Imott- 
CDRd In Mga* binding; iha Ittue of the 
presence of difTerem lon binding 5lte(s> 
in ScrRS sirir ha* to be molved. The 
residues IndlcaiBd fin bold) hav« their 
Side chaina In the same ipatlal poiirion 
In the two enzymes and ere diretily so- 
perimpoaable, av^ though scrrw signif- 
icanr deviations occur In the rv»t of the 
backbone of ih« &ah^ site (e* ragion 
364^66 In "SotRS, probably due to the 
presence of a prollneX 

a class n oaRS): its chfee-dimcnsional structute dettrmi- 
nation h near complcdoa [17-}. 

The reccady solved structure of TVpRS In complex vidth 
tryptophanyl-adcnylate [lO-J reveals a pattern of in- 
ccracaohs chat doscly miiches due of TViAS with its 
diffeient substrates (tyiosyl-adenybtc or cyiosine 11,21), 
There u an almost peifeci 1:3 functional conespon- 
dencc between stnjctiJiaUy equivalent renduea in the 
rwo sysccms, rvoi cbowgh the cyveraQ sequence idetw 
taty between die two enaymes i$ very low (13% fbr 
272 unmo acids). The adenylate and amino acid bind- 
ing pockets are deady mperiniposablc between the two 
structures. The trypcophan-binding pocket shows good 
sceHc complementarity with the substrate side diain, 
suggesting that it should be aincaablc to specificicy mod- 
ification using the normal principlei of protein scructuie 

formation, m this case, essentially by alteration of side- 
ch^ pocking. Redesigning the amino acid specificicy of 
TyiRS M, however, not a trivial matter [22], 

The structure of the TtpKS enzyme also contains in- 
formation that could lead eo 0 piausihle model of its 
interaction widl its cognare tRNA chat Twnild be con- 
sistent with the one previously proposed for lyiRS [23], 
with the acceptor and anticDdon arms of the *ame tRMA 
interacting with two diOerent njonomera. The andcodon 
end of the cRNA would be undiscortcd in both TyrRS 
and TVpRS, conrrwy 10 yvhat is observed in the ClnR2 
cOTipleac [4J. It should be lecaUod, however, Aac the 
«RNA-binding mode of MetRS has been hnked to the 
one observed with the GhiKS system, esp^aUy because 
of the presence of a so-called acceptor binding domain 
[24]. which IS absent in both TyrKS and TVpRS. Also 
there is a sixth stzand with a left-handed type of connec- 
tion in both MecRS and GhiRS that is absent both in 
TyrRS and TYpRS. and this might be zelaced co a dificr- 




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^o/oa diJQU 17:58 FAX 00140619017 



I 017/021 


the wHtkMcyi adenyiMe blndlr^ sfces of 
<«) y*af9R5 and <b) 5erR$. describMl in 
|12*«] and 116^* f«sfMalvely. For clar- 
ity. Afg223 and Ar^zs^ ni^flnds oi tfM 
a-^S4)lim in AspRS and SerRS, r«spec- 
trvaly) ha^ b««n omitted. The two struc- 
twM ha:v« bwi luparlmpoAvd iMtng 
the ci-cftrtx>n coofvAnaies only, traasport^ 
(ne iHe Mtonylaitt wteh rha darlvAd irani- 
formailDn afterwaidf. 

ent cR>lA-binding mode (both GhiR^ and MctRS can 
function as mpnomon, whcroaa lyrRjS and IVpRS ave 
both fiinctioiial diinen). 

Lose year, Feiona et a!. [9**] used crywaHognphic data 
on the complex of GlnR^-tRNAC^ bound to Mii2+ 
and ATP to infer die location of cbe amino acid bind- 
ing pocket and to build a detailed enzymatic mecKanism 
for the two-step reaction cacalyxed hy clott I aaRS». The 
striking conclusiou of their work is chat the second step 
is done in vfuy much die same way as by the dau tl 
aaiRSs^ only in a diSerem geometry: die euiaction of a 
proton &om the 2'OH of adenosine 76 of tRNA 14 aho 
done by a fiec mygen of the adenylate a-phosphate. 
Pteiona at, 19^] make a number of valuable cojiupar- 
iflOns between structural and funcdonal results available 
ibr GlnR^, TyrRS ot MetRS. A number ofpoincs dut 
appear to be thared with class II aaKSs could also be 
bifihlighced; however, a word of caurion It needed here. 
Even chough the chemical nature of the amin'o add 
side chains hxvolved in the different mteractiom ija both 
class 1 and class II aaRSs often appears to be com^iarable 
(see below)^ their positions axe not strictly superin^oa- 
ahle; indeed, if one superin^ses the adenine tir^Ks, the 
aminoacybbon reaction appears to take place onloppo* 
aitc sides [14*"]. 

The first common point k that the way the adenine ring 
of ATP IS Tecognited in GlnRS is highly reminiscent of 

what is setn in both SerKS and AspRS: the Nl and N6 
atoms ate bound to the amxde nitrogen and the carbonyl 
oxygen of the main chain of the some reaiduc, namely 
Leu261 in GlnRS (compare with Fi|c 1). Alio, the adc^ 
nine ring rests upon the aliphadc pccdon of Arg260, in 
very much the same way as in dau II aaRSs CAjcs53l 
of ttAspR^. ActuaQy, Peiona ti aL [9^] point out that 
diis might be £mctionaily in^sonaar u the side cbaiii of 
ucguiine is highly flexible, this mlg^t aHonv without dif- 
ficulty a iUgfc^ cearxangement of dbe adenine ring moiety 
during the dificzcnt steps of the reaction. 

Another intere«ting feature is that the ademne ting Ves 
on Gly42, a stricdy conserved reaichie of the first nyna- 
turc sequence of dass 1 aaRSs; any other amino acid side 
chain would interfere v/itti the binding of ATP. Odier 
scricdy conserved residues of cither the first (M2s43) or 
the second (Lys270) sigrxature aequ^nce of dan I aaRSs 
are implicated in the scahHizadon of die transition state 
of the reaction^ which inyohes a pcntovalendy bonded 
phosphorus. This is to be related with eaiiier work u»- 
ing kinetic measuremems^by Fersht a at. (reviewed in 
[9*«]). Lys270 can be compared to Axg223 of motif 2 in 
"'A^tRS in its role in binding the Or^hosphate. 

Th e Ot^amino group of the amino acid appears to be sta- 
bilized by an ion pair with an aspax&tc, which is con^ 
served in all (except lytRS) class I aaRSs^ at the end of 


26/04 2006 14:06 FAX 




52 ProtelrwHidelc acid tnlemctlom 

^soand C; agaixiy this ifl cooipanble wich whac is i«en 
for class II oaRSs. 

The bindiz2g pocket for ^utamine in GlnRS contains 
Ai^30, '7Vx211 and Gln255 at its ba^e, the g^taxnine 
being ready to hydiOgcn bond co cfafi subscnCc Gln^5 is 
held in place by a ncCwork of intcracdonfl 'wichin a pohr 
cnvitonmcnt involving ihc chaiged side chain of Clu257 
and the niain chain cavbonyl atom of Phe233. This sicua- 
don is liighly xeminiscent of the bonding poc^ct^ of both 
AspKS [16"I and lyrR^ p,22j. AU of chii has been 
observed in the struccure of GlnR5 ficc of glutamine, 
thereby implying chw the free cnisyme can bind ia sub. 
urate without any significant rearrangement (no induced 
tit). It is CO be hoped that the general natuxie of all the 
obseTv;uion9 mentioned above will be confirmed by the 
detailed 5Cr\kCtunl Kudieft on ttGluRS and »MctRS (S 
Yolcoyanu, personal conununtcadon). 

AaRS-tRNA recogrMtions modules and nodules 

One o( the most useful concepts in ajialyxing aaRSs 
of unkncywn $tructuie icmaim the concept of modu- 
larity, originally introduced for Esdurichia mli AlaRjS 
[25]. Apart from their catalydc domain. aaRS$ often 
possess additional domains that help to make them more 
specific in the tFJNA recognition proceu. Very often, 
the»c domains can be idendfied thn^ugh flequence anal- 
ysis (26*]. New sequences of uRS genes in distent or- 
ganisms contimjc to appear but are too numetouti to be 
eked in ihis review. 

Struceuol data on che diOmnc domains found in aaR^s 
have alAo appeared, and it is not inconccivahie that Tve 
win «oon have a complete picture of the repettonc used 
by diis &mily of enzymes. The structure of ™A^R$ (1 5- J 
revealed an additional domain, of unknown function^ 
structurally similar to the histidinc-cozicaining phospho- 
carrier protein HPr. The structure of "GluRS may teveal 
a difien^ an dcod on-binding domain, compared -with 
GlnKS. The scrucmra of «GlyRS 127*] and «HisRS 
[28"], now appiOaching complete refinement (D Moras, 
persona] conununicadon), will also provide the fint pic- 
ture of a new andcodon-binding domain that should also 
be present in ThrRS, It will be interesting to crompare 
the forthcoming structure of «cLysRS [19'] with AspRS. 
especially their amino acid binding pocketi. In addl- 
uon, the xole of the N-tenninal exbensicn cpf mammalian 
&aP^i i9 being acdveiy studied [29], 

How these domains interact widi each other is sdU a 
daunting c|ue$don. This question lelatea, of counc, to 
the enzymes^ specificity and, in some cases, aBostery. 
Some ptoigreaa has been made in the class II aaRS family 
thrau^ a cateful structural analysis of the dimer intci£ice 
[15*,30*] and throu^ pxobing by site-directed mutage- 
neua [^O*], In the dau I &mily, some inovgmic sup- 
pressors chat compensate Ibr impaired anunoacylation 
in mutant] of GlnRS have been iaokeed and struc- 

turally mapped to a region Hnldng the ca&Jytic and the 
uuicodon-binding A^m^^^ [31*]- 

The structure of che zinc-finger domain of MetRS has 
also been solved recently by NMR methods [32*]. Thi« 
is especially important bNccause zinc-finger domains have 
been identified in many diffezenc doss I aaRSs by se« 
quence analysia. 

Meanwhile, experimencs designed to probe cRMA— 
aaRS xnteracdons and to define the tRNA identity 
I33'J are producing interesting new results. In some 
ca*oB, it ptoved possible to change the specificity of 
the xccognition [34J. The structure of the tRNA itself 
and its tole in aaRS recognition continues CO be acdvtly 
studied [35—37], The tolc of po^t-transcripdcmal modlH- 
cadony of cRNA )n the rec<^;ninon process has also been 
recendy ze-emphasized [38]. The part of the pmtcin xe» 
sponsible &r recos;nition can in some cases be pinned 
down to a few residues [39] and the vwicch to another 
specificity can involve as litde as ckic methyi group [381, 
hence the nodon of a nodule. 

AaRSi may cepresent a unique system, as £ar as pro- 
tein engineering is concerned, because the structure 
of three different member? of thia lamily are (or are 
about to be) known in both E. coli and X ihermophilus, 
namely MetRS, SecRS and AspRS; the E. coli As- 
pRS has also recently been solved (D Moras, peisonal 
communication). Thus^ the study of aaRSs may rep- 
resent one of the best opportunities to undexstand the 
molecular basis Ibr thermophUidry. An hiteresdng ex- 
perimenul approach has been underuken widi TyrRS 
[40], whose structure ia known in the thermophilic or- 
ganism B. steafpthennophUus. Chimeric versions of lytRS 
were constructed using portions of sequence fiom the E, 
coU and £. st^rathermt^hiha enzymes, and Che thermal 
Stability of the resulting enzymes measured. 

Other Mophyslcal and blodiemlcail studies 

Althou^ the amount of inibrmadon given by these 
siructunl results is impressive^ moxe data are snll needed 
to refine our understanding of how erxxyuies of this 
&mily fimcdon. As usual, le^ence data complement 
refined structures weS because sequence consctvadon 
profiles help to identlly fimcdonaDy important residues 
[26*]. infi^rxnadon fiom the mulnple alignment of AlaRS 
sequences^ secondary structure pzedicnons and site-di- 
rected mutagenesis experiments has been used to identify 
the position of motif 2 in AlaRS [41,42]. 

lb check hypotheses about the teacdon mechanism sug- 
gested by crystal structures (which only give map<hf?tt 
of some intermediate states of the Teacrion)* it is oftcm 
iiuvucdve to generate single point mucano and meas- 
ure their fimcdanal and kinedc properties [43-45^46*]. 
Chemical afi^nity labeling followed by miciosequencing 
of the labelled pepddes [47] has also proved OSefid in 
identifying residues in contact with che active t^tc, as have 


26/0'4 2006 14:07 FAX +33142675828 




oehcr bJochcmic*] and biophysical mcMurcmentt such as 
nuotescencc sCuciics [48]. 

One unreiohrcd issue that ia receiving more acteQijoa b 
Che mechanism of proo&cading. It has been known for a 
long time thac in tome inscances misActivBtioa can occur* 
howcvet, upon tRNA binding, hydfolysis of the misac^ 
avaced aminQ add cakes place, so pjrevcnting the tRNA 
ttgni hmg charged with che wrong amino acid Site- 
directed mutagcncds in che infcmsd amino acid bindimr 
pocket of MctRS [491 has been used co study thiTS- 
5UC. but a stmctuial picture of ihe *hydtaiyth pathway' 
for a mJsacclvaied amino add remaitis elusive* i=or ValR5 
[50»], a mutant has been coginccicd widi de^rcued abil- 
ity CO distinguish between the ri^c (valine) and tfac 
wrong (isolcucinc) ainino acid. In any case, lyscematic 
measuremencB of aH che Idnecic and binding properties 
of an aaRS imino-acylacing (and charging) all po^le 
«nino adds are certainly welcome [51,52-] and should 
be made m the systems where detailed structunl infor-^ 
maclon is already available. This work in turn should 
prova usefiiL in calibrating molficular dynamics simula- 
Don methods ^splied to these systems [53], 


The past year has seen the cluddicion of the structures 
of several aaRSs (&um both class II and class I) with Uieir 
diffi^nt jub»tr>te*. Striking and uoantidpated structural 
and funcdonal similarities have been revealed, opening 
the way for che ndona] design of mutane and of aaRSs 
^th changed specifidty. This will probably demand 
more sophisticated molecular modelling methods than 
the already existing ones. In addition, structural data on 
the same enzyme fiom bodi bacteria and eukaryoces (as 
is available for AspRS) may prove useful for die design of 
inhlbiiorj spedSc for prokftryotes. In this respect, an in- 
tetcsdng experiment in bacteria has recently been done 
[54*], Expression Of an intentionally inactivated tRJNA 
synthetase, proved effective (and lethal) upon introduce 
don of the ^nc encoding it into the genome of J5. {olt; 
Jhh type of efiect had actually already bc^ observed for 
lyrRS 155]. 

Data on a peculiar (and puzzling) feature of tRMA- 
syndietascu* naznoly the antigenic nature chat Uiey some- 
timea jhow, continue to accumulate. ValRS^ a class I 
aaRS, has recently been identified as one of the major 
antigenic decerminanu of Pit^modium vivax (V 5newln» 
pcnonal communicadoD)* IleRS has also been impli- 
cated in several autoimmune diseases, for instance in the 
rheumatic disease myositis [56], Antibodies against dass 
II aaRSs have been found as well (e.g, HisRS, GlyRS, 
AlaRS and ThrRS in myositis and AsnRS in filoriosis 
[6p. Therefore, our knowledge of aminoacyJ-cRNA 
synthetases may eventually have medical appUcations. 

Note added in pr<>of 

te has reccnily been found that the dass n aaRS cacalytic 
donuun fold is present in BixA, a biotin-prnteia lieise 
that attaches biotin to various key mecaboHc proteins 
mvotved m carbojcylation and decaibcayjation [57-], The 
biotination reaction proceeds through the same type of 
intermediate as found hi aaRS;*, namely an acyUdoxy^ 
w ^ expected tha t che same type of fold will be 

observed m yot other proteins involved in metabolism 
lor nisbuce acetyl CoA li^cs« 


I Wish to thank P Ahari. H Bcdoudle. D Logan and t> Moras 
fcr uMful Ccnmncnb on d>e knanuscripc. Sped«] dunks to CW 
Career for eommiinicadne a copy of hk manuscript prior lo 
publjeaboA. ^ 

Keferenceg and recommended rea ding 

Papers of partJcujar Interc^ pubJiiherf wfihin ihe AA(\ua) pftrlod or 
review. Save kmn highlighted as: -^-i p«rioo or 

oT special fnccff^ 
«« of ountkndlng 1r 

Bricfc P, Blow OM: Crrftol pfrwctutt: of a Mction wmtM, of 
trwI-mNA Bxn^lwtaM cotI— »d %vWi finMlne. / A4oi Blot 

Br|ek P, BJ-t TN, Blow DM; 54»ciuiv of irnxyLcmA tyn- 

Brufila 5, Zch««r C RWcr JL: CryttaltonpfHC at 

llM iafetfrMtao of ■MlMMtyi-tRNA >)nttnm, of 

[5*^^f?*^ ■ — «~oyi-mrf/» J 

£1 caH wtdi Am > Moi Biol 31(4411-424. 

ftould^MA. P«roni JJ, Soil D, 5t*lU TA: CrMtel iOiMrtim oi Hm 

f*JaCIii Co 

d CD0 ^ilt4«lllllyUft^<A MdUuw-cthtj 

1969^ 246:1135-IHa. 


Cflrty CW Ir. Cop%IUQm fi>ediafili«m and e^utlufiary rcla. 
tkmAI^ to MrtMaeirMltNA fynlhttMS. Anna tttv Bkxhem 
1993, aa:7)S-746. w o«fwm 

tl^^ S"^*?*^*' aspects of hR5«, wilh a numbgr of illus^ 

ThSSS «»pec;aliy OA class l aminoaeyMHNA lyrw 

6. Cusacle S, B«rTh»0»lomlnai C, Hartlain M, Nauar, Lttbttrmart 
R: A fvvond cteu of iymbdaAe ftrydufv leveaM by X-r«y 
aralyctf of e oofr slnictm of MryMKNA mMbrtme al 2-5 X 

7. Ruff M, Krishnaswamy ^ Boeglln M, P©(ef5zman A, M^Mer 
A. PwJiamy AO, f^ee* D, Thlwry JC Morq dan 
II tadnfnc:yl.rtNA EyndieUfetl evyvtaJ fUtlctlW of yca« 
?2?r^tf?'?^. •ymhetaM C0M|>lexcd wilh tUNAAir. S^nce 

2$a:1 662-1609. 

e. EnanI C, tXlarue M, Poch GanglofT I Mgr^S D: PartN^ 
«J amliwacyl-iaNA tyMhclaMi In |.n» dues on dta bub 
Mr'JaS^*"'^"*^ s«|u«Ke inotiCi. NMlfW 

9. P«rona JJ, RouM M\ Steicc tA: $ln>clinal batfg |br HtNA 

•* T^^^5*^i5?! f IfciUmlnyUtMA tymhMaie. 

Cftmi^^ 1993, 32;a7S6-^771. 
Thh fnammoth paper is likslv to he th* rofof^nce «m dM»||«d mechanis. 
tte and urvctural o/ cW \ toRSs for (|ulte tome llmo. Apart from 

26/0"4 2006 14:07 FAX +331426T5G28 
kruuB 1f:59 FAX 00140613017 




la 020/021 

54 Protegn-nucleic >dd fnt«ractSon9 

iinicUinl rwuUf on \hm ar»RS-«RNACn In rompl^v with v«rioua 
substratai, Ei combine a billfUoi vynrhesi* of all prevlousfy known stfi>c- 
jiJrt» »oU kinetic miaturenwnu ^ dan » iiRSs and related compj^w 
It C»n now bm updated ^sHth flO-]; mony of th« ItWas developed herv' 
may Ond d COunlerpart in cbss II aaRSs (M [1 4*^>. 

10- Dcjubtk 5, Bricogne G, Cllmiwe C Carter CW Jr. TWpia|A»l. 
- tfcNA fynttMK cryntd ^tni^w ■vyoli » i!mpmS 
P^-- 1 ^ tyrmyUKNA nnUMiM*. 5faic»u/v 1:17-32. 

DCTCrtption of th« siArttur* of Another dass I aaRS, TrpRS, is a compttx 
wirh rrrptnphanyl-Bdimylair. Th« paper afco descritM in d«4f| howr iwl 
complej, oomw«» w»th rh« TyHW r«>utbi in 12). in addlclon. (i contairu 
an *«T<«rt«in6 dr»cusston o<»ne^ »ppn»ch hi cryfliaJiogr^phic simctuiv 
rwoJutw bM«d on a muclmom llfccMhood crllf^oo, ^ find th« phMt 
of Krong r^netllora and COrfett the tnv^iope In th« Initial state of modd 
tMJilding, ^ 

11. Fujlnaga M, BMhct-Colomtnas C, Yar^mchuk AD, Tukalo M. 
• Cu«ckS: Btrfkltd CfTftoP itrtlClUf« MryUUINA milh.lw 
STJt^IiML™*'''^ « rttolulloq. ; McW Bk^ 1993, 

TOf pao«r contalni «n Intrnttlnfl dimiwion connmiitf ch* pottlbl* 
ifloi^i#r bull of the theimopMltciiy of thh en<ym6. U also mha- 
size* the nexJbWity of the iwo long cuhtlk» in tf4 N-tennfrwi pail of 
tht Mqutfnca. ^ 


Bdrhall Yaiwndiuk A, Mikm\o M, Lart«f) K, Benhac-GoloniU 
fuu C UUrman B«J}«r B. Al^Mwrnn |. Cojbel C. Lrsrand 
IP cr a/j CnnUl f«n>ct«re at UA rwluiiaii servUftNA 

Th« fact Old th* two non-hydnoiyscable analogK bind at tho «a™ pjaco 
■n (h« «nzym« piwldu ui^ng luppovt for th« hypoiheili ihai iW ac- 
tualhr reflea the binding of n*Uve seryUdertylaic, 7h* nctwori^ in- 
toractions b«t^«^ thv pr«icin and ihe «iibar»[M it c»f«rully Analyz«d 
and dwcHM. Tha auihon .Uo dta ikm data at A ivsofutlon on a 
complex bttvyeen ihc pioiein and ATP and Mni*^ which showi the ATP 
fn a bM confornistion, «■ obwrwd 7n |>4**1. 

13. BIpu V. YartfTXhuli A, TUkalo M, Cusacit 5: Thr 2.5 A Co*. 

- tel Bindclw Atf ThefM^ I^MWpMW aaryUllNA ayndM^ 
conpkltad IBNA^. icrwice 1994, 263n404-Uia 

This paper glvei •t/uctural detalli ol the Inraractiwis bcuvm SvrRS and 
III c»|nai* iHNA. »Sow*nj ihM li h the «peciat featura of the rRNA, 
namely the extra (or^g loop, and not the arttScocten, (h«i ii reoogntMd 
by the protein. Untenunately, tha CCA end apptafs i» be diaofdctcd In 
(he cryual. Paia hawe also been collected in (he presence of ihe ATPena- 
log AMPPCP, which, cortrary to Ihe ATF, Is In an extended COn<om>atkM; 
lh\9 H in accordance lesults al«0 datcrlfa^ In [14*-). 

14. Cavatdli J, Ef^anl C. Re«s t^idS M, eoeslin M, Mitschier 

- A. Mamn Cangloff Thltry |C, M«3f D: ifcT^SlS 
sOe of yttat aBpartyMMNA ayntfieia^e: flmctml m! kmc- 

13:127^337. ' ' 

a«s n coumerpait <rf I9"|. Jt describes for (he first Jme tha bindir» of 
ATP to > cUm II aaRS, u vwlf «i a comploc of a class il aaftS wi|h art 
amlnoacylaied cognata (Rna; all cfau li invanani imttdues i/r^lcated 
in the aalve utu arv ld«ntined and a vnechanitm (i ptepoaed. S«v«raJ 
miMarYtt have been conovucied and iheir Kinctiof^ prop>nles nwasuMi 
to check ihls mechanlirn. These rtiuftj aie io be fupplernemed by ^ 
experimenCal dfUvrmlmOorv of aipaityl-adenylaiB bound Co "AuRS da- 
scribed m Il«-J. See alio Ci2-,13*^. ^ oa- 

15. ^•r^'ve M, Pot«r«man A, Nlbonov 5, Cartw Motm 
♦ D, Thierry JC: CryrtBl itrMiire o4 % prokaryotfc anvtyl 

tKNA a yn thalaw. £M3Q J 1^4, 14:9219-3229. 
Dwcrtptfan of ih* stnictura of nAspHS; en addlikmal domalr^ ^ ptcv^ 
ai con^ared lo ihe yca« eiutyme, %^h pretents |he uma topology a» 

prorvln HPr (of lha f, co/f |^kO«phoCranibnM mu^ Iraruport tySem) 
thereby makinK this akructur* a tcxtbooif example of ihe modulariiv of 
»«IJ5i» A detailed deicrifxion of the dimer imerfeea t» »l»o inckjdad, « 
wall ai a pmpotal of a vtiucturat communleailM pathway befween the 
catalylk and ihe arKlcodOn-MndiAg dbi^alng. See also (16**), 

16. Polorazman A Del*n>» M, Thierry fC, Moras Z>, Synihesb 
and tfe c ogmtfaii el aapartyUiacfybtg by Ihmm thmwwmMAikm 
avpertyMRNA tyMlhctiM J Mol O/o/ 1994i 344:156-167^ 

Fi/5t 0irwclu«e of a clati 11 aaRS widt the cogruts (nailve) adanylste, which 
in a aensQ fjcpn»cnt$ the »ltuatiori ato the Hrsi nep of the t*xtion has 
been complatad. A comparlaon wldi tho i inicture of die enzyme aloiw 

im n S*l) is alM gh^en, showing the rigid nature of iho amino DCid bind- 
'"8 pockei. 

w^pAai* te anbparallei of laMch only Iwd ai^ 

TTjWpaper mcrtbes the pnelrmlna'y chaio iracing of ^RS; the uf»- 

SSStl?S ^^'^"^Mlh. largest 0^» .1^ ^^.^ rhS 

typical (old of dau n hKSs, Le, an anilparel el B-sheer, even thouah •*- 

^SLSS!!?^* Wbwnit b piObably not fUnaior«|, buc ha> 

avDived from the umt attcestor u that of al) elaas II aaRSs. The aurhofS 
t^S^ilSiT '^^'l^'^i^i!^ ^ o-*ubunrr for moHf 1, which 
Jiliir!! 5 ^ eaHter Mudles. The ct.^»utmnli also comalns the fold 
typical of dau IJ aaiiSs, The dimeriiatlon mode between (he a- and ^ 
■ubumt^simller to thca, d|fr«Hzaf'i>rt Interface observed If* both A^i^ 



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^ncerlrtg b lafiObcIf <e auCceedL NMUit^ I96fl. 33^570-272. 

One«( S. ThoecHtou Mr, Wtnura PL, Mirier AD, PUeau P 

S!?SS*f;.*'^ '^•»*>*-'"^^ •yinh«is«e.;Ate/Aa;is94, 

Aaji 123^1 25. 

Cfy^Bli^ffmctlng to 2.1 A leaokrilon haw« been oUaJned kx coiHyfU 
gene produo. The stnictuie of iha protein fs io appear 

Scht^lns X Langcfi R, Warshel A: Why b^e muhagcnesfa itod- 
iTsSTl'S^^e?" baia of raa p2lf NTMWe 5(rt«r 6/0/ 

21. Cavamlll J, H^ n fUjff M, Thiwrv |Q Mara» Oj Veast tRNA^ 
recogpUlon by li« cepiala daw II ambmcyMRKA aynihctaae, 

Nahw 1993, 362:101-184, ^ jw«nc«»r. 

The refined ilnicTum ai 2.9A ruoTutlon of ihli iRMA^aRS complex aU 
to-js a mo*e detailed deicrtpdort of the interacdonc between the iRNA 
snd tlic protein. The results ai* analyzed in light of odter biochemical 
ej^o'i'nenta. The ganeraHzKlon of ih« lenjlb to other dan II eaR&t U 
dbcuiMd (see also |13—J). 


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(niarpiay ba e »'e»i abuctgrat reaub and muhiple sequence •llgnw^s. 

27. Logan DT, Cura y Ibuzel JP« Kem Moras D; CryrlalKzate 
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M Ddarue, Unit* d*Iiniaunolagic Stmcomlc, Imeitut PaiMur, 25 
njc Dr Roux, 75015 PaHs, F^ce. 

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